About the project

Watch the video in which the Creators talk about the "Cassandra's Head" project.


Literary prototype

A post-apocalyptic work of Polish writer Marek Baraniecki published for the first time in 1985.

In 1985, the work received the Janusz A. Zajdel Award for the best Polish novel, but the vision of threats presented in the book still seems to be relevant.


Movie plot

The story takes place after the end of a nuclear war, which almost completely destroyed Earth. The scarce survivors, including the main character of the movie - Teodor Hornic. He is engaged in finding and neutralizing the remaining atomic warheads. Above all, Hornic is looking for the Cassandra's Head, a legendary nuclear warhead, which can destroy the remnants of life on the planet. However, his search will lead him to a place where he never predicted he could find himself.


Production timeline



Meet the creators involved in the production of "Cassandra's Head"
and their selected achievements.

Marek Baraniecki

Screenwriter, the author of the book

About the creator

Daniel Markowicz

Director, Producer

About the creator

Jan Kuźnik


About the creator

Deposit funds

If you want to deposit more than PLN 500,000
contact us.

Be aware of the risks associated with investment


When investing, you are signing a contract with Lightcraft Vision Sp. z o.o. This is a special purpose company established solely for the production of this film. The company is directly associated with the Lightcraft studio, which has been operating in the film industry since 1997, engaged in the production of feature films, as well as the implementation of animations and special effects. Lightcraft has been repeatedly awarded for its projects, both Polish and international. Involved in the production of over 70 feature films and as many as 350 music videos, cooperating with, among others, Netflix, Amazon Prime and many other international film studios.

02-626 Warszawa
Al. Niepodległości 64/68, lok. 39
Fill the form

Investment risk

Dear Sir/Madam,

Before considering the commitment of your capital to the production of the film "Cassandra's Head", we wish to present you with a list of potential risks associated with this venture. Despite our extensive experience, including over 70 film productions, it must be clearly stated: investments in the film industry, despite the potential for significant returns, are associated with substantial challenges and risks. It is essential to be aware that these risks could lead to the partial or total loss of invested funds.

Our team seeks to collaborate exclusively with investors who are fully aware of the risks outlined below. Furthermore, we recommend that the funds allocated for investment do not constitute a significant portion of your assets to ensure that a potential failure of the project does not adversely affect your standard of living.

Yours sincerely,
The Lightcraft Team

Key aspects to consider:

Financial Risk:

Exceeding the Budget: Production costs may exceed initial estimates due to unforeseen expenses, delays, or changes in production scope.

Insufficient Funding: There is a possibility of a shortfall in funds needed to cover all stages of production and distribution.

Variable Investment Returns: Investments in films are risky and may not yield the expected returns or may even result in a loss.

Production Risks:

Technical Problems: Equipment failures, location issues, or other technical challenges may delay or disrupt production.

Casting Issues: Illnesses, conflicts, or other issues related to actors may affect the schedule and quality of the film.

Production Team Issues: Conflicts within the team, lack of experience, or improper project management.

Market Risk:

Changes in Distribution Market: Shifts in distributor preferences, such as a greater interest in distributing films of a different nature than the planned production.

Competition: The release of other, more appealing films at the same time may reduce audience interest.

Changes in Audience Preferences: The film may not appeal to viewers, affecting its popularity and profitability.

Legal Risks:

Copyright Issues: Possible disputes over copyright of the screenplay, music, or other elements of the film.

Contractual Issues: Ambiguities or disputes arising from contracts with actors, distributors, or other parties.

Legal Regulations: Changes in laws that could affect the production, distribution, or exploitation of the film.

Distribution Risks:

Distribution Barriers: Difficulties in securing suitable distribution agreements, both domestically and internationally.

Marketing Campaign Effectiveness: An ineffective promotional campaign can significantly limit the film’s visibility and commercial success.

Risk Related to Reviews and Ratings:

Negative Reviews: Poor reviews from critics and users can deter potential viewers, negatively impacting box office results.


Investing in the production of "Cassandra's Head" offers potential financial opportunities, but it also requires awareness and acceptance of the aforementioned risks. While we cannot guarantee success, we are committed to working diligently on one of the most intriguing film projects!